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Healing Stones And Their Meanings

Agate - Brings stability, strength, balance, courage, eloquence and a clear mind. Increases self-esteem, calms body and mind. 1st chakra.

Blue lace Agate - works in connection with angelic energy.

Chakras :4th and 5th

Botswana Agate - opaque grayish pink with whitish circles, ovals. Stimulates attention, alert, detail observation. Helps against toxins.

DendriticAgate - called landscape agate. Helps maintain the center in situations. Moves energy from the outer bodies and chakras into the physical level in the head-to-feet direction.

Moss Agate- Good against depression, brings mental and emotional balance.

Chakra :4th

Ametrine- Helps psychic opening and development, astral projection, working with spirit guides, meditation. Stabilizes the balance between spirituality and daily life.

Amethyst - Spirituality, transformation, protection, cleansing, promotes happiness and spiritual awareness, excellent for meditation, helps with sleep and absorbs negativity. In old times the Greek believed this stone helped against drinking and toxins. 6th and 7th chakras

Amazonite - Increases creative expression. Brings power, prosperity, balance and expression. Stone of the communicators and artists. Combines information received with intuition. Chakra: 5th

Apatite - Unconditional love and acceptance of others. Recommended in the relationship with difficult people. Stimulates the development of clairvoyance and perception of other dimensions. Chakra : blue: 5th / 6th green/rose: 4th yellow: 3rd

Aquamarine - Represents the expression of interior truths through the power of the spoken word. Help self-expression and increase psychic power. The “courage stone” helps against fears, phobias and stress. Helps to establish happy marriages. Good for the respiratory system. Chakra : 5th

Aventurine - Luck with money matters. Increases creativity and originality. Helps against stress and bring a feeling of well being. Energy stimulates muscle tissue and blood. Chakra: 4th

Azurite - Cleans the mind and soul. Reinforces concentration, mental co-ordination and memory. Shifts subconscious thoughts to the conscious mind. Good for decision making. Chakra : 6th

Calcite -The art of being, the knowledge of ourselves in all aspects and dimensions. Link us to parallel realities. Chakra: according to the color.

Carnelian - Action and movement, personal power, concentration, courage, self-confidence and determination. Focus on the present moment. Chakra: 2nd

Celestite - Connection with angelic energy and inspiration. Helps in the fluent channeling of the messages and energy received. Good for recalling dreams. Chakra: 5th

Chrysocolla - Symbol of beauty, love and harmony. Supports letting go, surrendering pain and worry to universal love. Helps release grief, sadness and fear from the emotional body and aids the entrance of joy, certainty and peace.

Chrysoprase - Self-acceptance and acceptance of others. Transformation of the negative ego, reducing superiority or inferiority complexes. Stimulates sexuality and procreation. Chakra: 4th

Citrine - Symbolizes the light of the rising sun and should be used at the start of a cycle, project or phase. Energy for prosperity and inner security. The most recommended stone regarding world subjects: business, interpersonal relationship or family questions. One of the merchants’ stones in ancient times it was believed to help accumulate and maintain wealth if kept in the safe or purse.

Month: November. Chakra: 3rd

Crystal Quartz - Symbol of balance and purity, helps meditation. Has a very strong and shiny aura recommended for harmonization of places. It’s the stone of wisdom, clairvoyance and spirituality. Aids emotional stability, speeds healing and bring goodness on every level. Chakra : all

Emerald - Represents abundance, balance, intelligence, rebirth and maturity. Helps revitalize the body. It’s said to help foretell the future and strengthen one’s memory.

Month: May. Chakra : 4th

Fluorite - Helps prevent mental confusion and makes it easier to develop awareness. Goods for retrieving information. Increases intuition and interdimentional communication. Chakra: 6th and 7th

Garnet - Energy and courage to abandon harmful or unwanted mental patterns. Creativity and rejuvenation energy. Faith, constancy and truth .It was once believed to give it wearer guidance in the night, allowing seeing where others could not. Works as auxiliary for blood and hormone dysfunctions.

Chakra: 1st

Hematite - Brings self-confidence and promotes total anchoring of energies on Earth, eliminating mind limitations. Helps dissolve negativity. Its energy is said to reinvigorate the blood. Chakra: 1st and 8th

Iolite (aka water sapphire) - Opens, heightens and expands psychic abilities. Guides one through spiritual beginnings and growth.Chakra : 6th

Jade - The “Jewel of Heaven” has been treasured for thousands of years for its beauty and durability. It’s said to help concentration and development of psychic potential. Helps achieve a high mysticism level and to discover obscure aspects of the personality. Chakra: 4th

Jasper - Green : Intuition, calm, sensitivity, Promotes understanding. Good for disturbed homes. Chakra: 4th

Red : Vitality, sexual power, protection. Chakra: 1st

Brown : Earth energy, stability, balance, its said to work against toxins . Chakra : 1st

Kyanite - Used in meditation to make it easier the contact with spiritual guides. The bridge that unites the illuminated body to the physical body through the mind. Chakras: 5th, 6th and 10th

Lapis Lazuli - Calms the mind, developing intuition, meditation and wisdom. Help increase mental ability, concentration, memory and sight. Attracts the mind for the inner self to search for your own source of power. It’s the stone of contemplation and meditation. In the old Egypt it was ground and put in the eyes of pharaohs after death so that they could see the doors of entrance for the next life. Chakras: 5th, 6th

Malachite - Absorbs energy. When placed on any painful area it helps extract the pain energy and bring to surface the psycho-emotional causes. Curing energy. Helps the recognition and use of individual power. Chakra : 3rd, 4th

Moonstone - Increases intuition. Connection with the energy from the moon and the feminine aspect of the emotional nature. Helps calm and balance emotion keeping it under control. Energy helps against anxiety and stress. Helps men to attract the feminine element as well as provides seduction power. Chakra: 4th and 2nd

Obsidian - Help understand other people’s deepest thoughts and self-understanding. Clairvoyance and contact with spiritual world. Acceptance of our sexuality. Repels negative thoughts. The new age stone. Chakra: 1st

Onyx - Control over emotions and passions. Protection. Stimulates decision making. Aids psychic contact with those who have died and aids past-life and between-lives regression work.Chakra: 1st

Opal - Works the energy of flow and movement. Promotes feelings of benevolence and friendship. It’s the gem of God, Love, faith and creativity. Blends feminine and masculine polarities of the conscious. Month: October. Chakras: black- 6th white- 4th fire- 2nd

Peridot - Personal freedom, calm, expression of past lives. Reduces depression, stress, rage and jealousy. Cures grudges, hurt egos and help repair deteriorated relationships. Powerful amulet against evil. Month: August . Chakras: 3rd / 4th

Petrified wood - Security. Balances the energetic level . Helps eliminate worries about meaningless matters. Provides strength. Chakra: 1st

Rose Quartz - The stone of unconditional love. Represents the capacity of giving and receiving love. Irradiates energy that substitutes sorrow, fears and resentment. Increases self-esteem and is recommended to attract love. It’s a good stone for children. Chakra: 4th

Green Quartz(Prasiolite) - Stimulates good health, security, discipline and stability. Stimulates creativity. Chakra: 4th

Rutilated Quartz - Strong conductor and generator of energy. Mental, emotional and physical stability. Very powerful against depression, good for inspiration and clairvoyance. Great curing power. Chakras: 1st ( smoky rutile ) 7th ( transparent with golden rutile ) other ( rutile color determine charka )

Smoky Quartz - Protects against negative energies. Teaches that there is light in the dark. Provides security when there is fear of failure. Provides courage and self-acceptance in the learning process. Good against depression and negative emotions. Eliminates subconscious blocking. Excellent for meditation. Chakra: 1st

Rhodochrosite - Love towards life and towards others. Influences creative processes and intuition. Emotional balance to love relationships. Creates feelings of peace and human warmth. Chakra: 4th

Rhodonite - Represents the relationship of oneself with its own body in order to listen to it and love it despite its limitations. Calm security in any activity. Reduces anxiety and increases coherence. Chakra: 1st and 4th..

Ruby - Helps decision making and family matters. Provides self-confidence, negotiation ability and self-esteem. Good energy for the blood flow and the heart.

Month: July. Chakra: 1st

Sapphire - Truth, sincerity and constancy. Eliminates negative thoughts and influences. Stimulates thoughts of beauty, peace and promotes inspiration and a positive attitude towards life. Month: September. Chakra: 6th

Sodalite - Courage and creative expression. Helps people to be more objective and less critical about the ways to deals with existence. Help develop the third eye. Teaches one to examine goals after they are achieved. Alleviates internal conflicts between the conscious and the unconscious. Chakra: 6th

Sunstone - Activates the inner sun and allows a free flow of energy. Can be used to eliminate fears, stress, increase vitality, independence and originality. Chakra: 3rd

- Help people become more practical. Bring optimism that conducts to success. Balances energy yin and yang. Protects against negativity, reflecting it back to origin.Aids in the ability to discern evil. Chakra: 1st and 3rd

Topaz - Magnetic energy. Provides strength and intelligence. Stimulates mental clarity and wisdom. Helps against mental exhaustion and traumas. Chakras: 9th ( transp ) 5th ( blue) 3rd ( yellow )


Blue : Works in the cell level, generating and conveying energy. Chakra : 6th

Green : Curing energy, balance energy levels, calms the mind, nerves and helps conf idence. Chakra: 4th

Rose : Attracts love and friendship, happiness and enthusiasm for life. Activates creativity and fertility. Chakra: 4th

Black -Repels negative energy. Has electrical properties as all tourmalines and works in the defense against debilitating diseases like heart condition, arthritis and weak immunological system. Teaches how to keep radiating in the most obscure situations. Great curing power. Chakra: 1st

Turquoise - Relationship, self-knowledge. Improves meditation, circulation and spirit condition. Its color is said to change when the user has a health problem. It’s also said to act directly in the skin cells, softening and rejuvenating them. Sacred for the Tibetan Buddhists for whom it symbolizes the sea (depth of the soul) and the sky (unlimited ascension). Chakra: 5th

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